2013: We Will Testify

Welcome to 2013 guys!
I believe today is a great day to reflect on 2012.. What are those things we wanted to do last year that we didn’t? What are those promises we made to ourselves and didn’t keep even though we could have?

A lot of people are of the opinion that it’s just a different date so why make it such a big deal. Well, it’s a new year and some of us find it easier to reflect over a long period of time. It will actually be nice to reflect monthly or quarterly instead of waiting for another 365 days. Hmmmm what do u guys think?

I’ve seen so many new year messages about testimonies and this just makes me excited about 2013. I’m not going to try to bore you this morning but my prayer is that your year is all about testimonies in Jesus name. & please guys, when God actually does those great things we’ve been asking for, let’s make it a habit to testify to His Greatness. Have an amazing 2013 guys.. Xx

A short message..

Hey guys!
Just a short post to start your day with..

It is very important that we find out what our purpose is in life and live it! I mean, God’s purpose for your life..

Any friendship/relationship that will make you lose the one you share with God is not worth having..

Lastly, all this is easier said than done. It’s a process. One step at a time. Don’t be discouraged. Have a beautiful week! Xx


It feels good to be back haha. & it also feels good to know some people missed me hehe πŸ˜‰ don’t mind me.. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve been busy because I haven’t lol. But anyway what matters is that I’m back right? Apologies!!

How have we been? I’ve been great and I know you have too! :D. As I type, I don’t even know what I’m blogging about, but I shall let the spirit lead me ;). One thing I’ve learnt so far is that positivity works! I’ve been very positive lately and its just a great feeling. Things don’t always happen as planned but its just amazing to know that there’s someone above, who watches over us and has plans which are greater than ours!

See, its all about your mindset! We have to practice positivity. That’s the only way to be happy in life. Happy people don’t have it all, they’ve just learnt to be content and grateful for each situation they find themselves.. You don’t have to wait till you get that dream job, car, house or whatever to be happy. Because when you get that, give it a couple of weeks, months and you already want something else.. That’s just how humans are. We always want more. Its okay to want more though, but its very important to practice Happiness! Happiness is a choice πŸ™‚

Something else I’ve realized lately is how society expects that people who are committed in church should be perfect people. This is why when something bad happens in church, people are so quick to judge. “… And he’s a Pastor.. She’s a minister..”. I won’t deny it, I’ve judged in the past. It’s so easy to see faults in others but not in yourself. We forget that these people are humans just like anyone else in the world. The difference is that they have chosen to live the life God has called them to live. But as long as we have this human body, we will sin. It’s just the truth. You will find pastors that get angry easily, impatient leaders, brothers that tell lies and deceive sisters lol etc. Isn’t that why some people say that its worse to date the men in church? Because they expect them to be perfect. & when you realize that some of these brothers also cheat and lie you feel like they are worse than unbelievers.

Think about this.. “Gideon was a coward. David was a liar. Samson had too much pride. Moses was a murderer. But God still used them”. It doesn’t mean its okay to be a liar.. God wants you to come as you are, but don’t stay as you are. Get it? Let the word of God change you.

So next time you see a brother or sister in church with a bad attitude, let’s try to pray for them instead of judging them :). Have a beautiful week guys! Xx

Faithful God!

Hello beautiful people πŸ™‚
How’s ur week going? I hope we remembered to pray this morning and if you didn’t its never too late to communicate with God. This is something we can do at anytime of the day. Hallelujah!

So something happened to me on saturday. I’m still shocked and I feel so blessed. You know how you hear testimonies and then something similar finally happens to you and it just makes you more aware of how faithful God is :). God is awesome! & he deserves all the praise. I love Him

I was going out with some church members. We were going to the gym (plz have you seen how skinny I am lol my thighs still hurt in fact). So yeah, I was asked to wait in front of a Mobil filling station cuz I dint know my way. While I was waiting to be picked up by a church member, a young guy walked up to me asking for directions. He said he just came from Coutonou with some goods to sell and had been beaten up by some guys because they knew he was a foreigner and wanted to steal from him. Basically he wanted me to come with him and help him count some money (naira) cuz he dint know much about the currency. He asked if I was a Christian, and sounded like someone in trouble. To cut the long story short, I dint know when I found myself in a keke napep (I hope we know what this is o. Those yellow vehicles that are only a little bigger than an okada). After a few minutes, my phone rang. That was my wake up call and immediately I asked the driver to stop the vehicle and I got off.

I didn’t even realize I had just been in a situation where some people don’t come out alive, others give away a lot of their personal belongings, and that of family members. Basically once you start talking to them, they use jazz or something and you just do as you are told till their mission is accomplished. But I serve a great God! He has great plans for my life and for this reason, He’s always got my back! πŸ˜‰

If you live in Nigeria, plz be careful. One minute you are trying to be nice, but not everyone who approaches you has good intentions. I just had to share this with you guys.

Meanwhile, I watched a lovely movie sometime last week called “The marriage Counsellor”. Please guys, you have to see it. It doesn’t only teach about marriage. It teaches about God, and just relationships in general. There’s also a lot of singing and beautiful voices too. Thank me later ;). Have a great week guys! Xx

Personal relationship with God

Hello everyone!
The past 2 sundays have been very exciting for me πŸ˜€ I went to a church I had been following online before I got back to Nigeria. Its called David’s Christian Centre. One of the main reasons I fell in love with the church is because of how down to earth the pastor’s wife is (she’s also a pastor tho). I follow her blog and she’s just soo real; one of the reasons I decided to blog this way. Rather than “preach” to you guys, why not talk in a language we are all familiar with (not like I’m a pastor anyway *raised eye brow*) but yeah! I fell in love with the church shaaa πŸ˜‰

I realized something recently tho, if you want to be close to God you really need to find a place of worship (church) that you are excited to be a part of. The type that you’ll look forward to the next service. No one would have to “make” you go to church on sundays. In fact, getting closer to God requires more than being just a sunday worshiper. You can’t worship God 4 times a month. Plz how does that even sound??

PS: this is an area I’m also working on. I want to go to church more than I do at the moment. But first things first. I believe we need to develop a personal relationship with God. If he can speak to your pastor, he can also speak to you! Talk to God, learn how to communicate with him. You see, I used to be the type of Christian whom when its time for prayers, I’d be shy to talk to God because of the sins I deliberately committed yesterday knowing He’ll forgive me today.

If you want to be close to someone, how can you be close to them if you are shy/scared to have a conversation with them? Or if you keep doing those things you KNOW they don’t like? So you see, being close to God requires you to make some sacrifices. If you know certain things will make you feel guilty when talking to God, why not work on those habits. Try to stop them and pray to God to help you. Trust me, U’ll feel a lot more comfortable praying to God this way.

What I’m trying to say is that having a personal relationship with God will make you want to go to church more often. It will make you want to be as close to God as you’d love to be. Wouldn’t it be exciting to be able to hear from God for yourself without waiting for someone to see a vision concerning your life? πŸ™‚

One thing that helps me connect to God is worship songs. I mentioned how I deleted most of the secular songs I had on my phone and replaced them with Gospel songs in a previous post. When you sing gospel songs with all your heart, you won’t even know when you’ll start praying to God.

Lastly, I’m sorry I haven’t been uploading any gospel songs. Its because I blog from my phone now and for some reason it won’t work. But anyway, if you open the songs I uploaded previously on youtube, you’ll be able to find other gospel songs as well. Β Have a beautiful week!!

Relationships (2)

Hey guys!
How’s your week been? Great I believe. πŸ™‚ today we are talking relationships again Yay? Lol.

I just realized as much as I luv talking about relationships, its not my favourite topic to blog about hehe. Its challenging because I need to make sure I practice what I “preach”, but the good thing is that I can actually go back to my old posts and learn from them just like anyone else who reads my blog. So really I should be excited to blog about relationships right? πŸ˜€

From my first post about relationships, U’ll notice I was basically talking about the foundation of any relationship.. We are still discussing foundation Hallelujah! The foundation of anything we ever do in life has to be right for it to be a success. You can imagine building a house with a weak foundation, when rain falls or wind blows, the house will obviously be destroyed. The same applies to relationships. If we don’t have a solid foundation in the beginning, when we face challenges we will easily give up.

Notice I said “when”? Its because life is full of challenges and I’ve actually accepted that there is no smooth road to success in anything at all. It doesn’t mean I’m being negative, it just makes me aware that even when certain things happen its not over until God says so πŸ˜€

Learning from other people’s experience, mistakes, movies, stories we hear etc is actually important. If someone has made a mistake, why do u have to have ur personal experience before you learn? Lol isn’t that funny? One thing I’ve learnt is how easy it is for kids to imitate the behaviour of their parents. I think about my future kids a lot πŸ˜› so if not for myself, but those innocent kids.. I have to choose the right partner. Imagine a man who beats his gf, she’s not even married to him yet and because she “loves” him she thinks she can cope if they take things to the next level. Now, even if you don’t mind the beatings lol how about ur kids? They are going to grow up to be bullies after watching dad bully mum. How about that?

Obviously I’m not going to look for the most amazing man on earth and propose to him lol. But in the very beginning, whoever you choose to date is up to you! This is the time to ask yourself whether or not the person’s character is something U’d like to see in your future kids. If the answer is no, why are you going ahead with the relationship?

Most times we just jump into a relationship, find out the person is not what we want in a man/woman, then jump out of it and continue the cycle. Sometimes we can’t even jump out of it because we think we are in love and then we decide to stay because letting go is hard.

All this wouldn’t be happening if we have a solid foundation from the beginning. Obviously you have to be attracted to whoever you date, but put the looks aside. Find out as much as you can about the person and save yourself another heart break. Is it just me or when you are in a relationship, that’s when you meet other amazing people? If you had taken your time before you would have been single when you met those other people. & when you are finally with a great person, even when other amazing people come ur way, you are not bothered because you have an equally amazing person! πŸ˜€
I hope U’ve been able to learn at least one thing from this post?

Meanwhile, I was given a new bible by my mum.. This version is called the New Living Translation. I find the King James version kind of difficult to study (so I hardly even study it oops! I usually just read my daily devotional.. Smh) so I’m going to try this and let you guys know how I find it. Thanks for your time

Special Day! :)

Hello Beautiful People
I’m so sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I moved back to Nigeria a week ago, and I’ve just had so much to sort out.. I’m still on it in fact and guess what today is? My Birthday! Whoop! 22 years YOUNG today πŸ˜‰ and its been 22 amazing years trust me. All the major goals I’ve set for myself, I have actually achieved.

I believe its a good thing to live in the moment, but its also great to set out goals that we WANT to achieve in a year, 2 years, 5 years, not necessarily because it seems possible at the time but because its where we want to be.

I told myself I had to have a Masters degree before I was 22, and to God be the Glory I’m a living testimony. I wasn’t thinking about funds or anything at all when I set out this goal 4 years ago. I had not even started uni so I dint know what uni life was all about.

What I’m trying to say is, Faith is very important as a Christian. Ur faith will move mountains. I’ve faced challenges here and there, the road is never smooth. Whether you are a Christian or an unbeliever. But what makes us different is that as born again Christians we are able to make plans when things look almost impossible, knowing that God is able to surprise us.

So what next for me? I’m already making my to-do list before 25 & 30. πŸ˜› Challenges will come, but God gives us the strength to face and go through them. Hallelujah! So go ahead and make those great plans today.. And don’t forget that even when things don’t go exactly as planned, it could be a test so that in the end ur TESTimony will be a great one. Also, God has great plans for us. He sees more than we can see, so don’t worry. There’s a reason for everything. Be positive, keep believing! & don’t forget to set those goals, otherwise why are we living? Just to eat, sleep, work and sleep again? There’s more to life. πŸ™‚

Growing in Christ (2)

Hey Guys!
How are we doing today? Great of course! πŸ˜‰ We are the chosen so whatever we declare, we trust that its established. So go ahead and speak positively about that challenge.. Don’t give anyone the chance to ruin ur day either. Keep shining! πŸ™‚

So if you remember in my first post about Growing in Christ (if you don’t, its because you din’t read it.. Oya scroll down jo πŸ˜› ) I said I’m trying to get used to listening to more of Gospel music. Trust me its going well!! I keep finding all kinds of gospel songs that I like and guess what? I’ve been deleting all those other songs that aren’t gospel too lol because I don’t like it when after I listen to a couple of gospel songs, a random song that’s saying something about “drop it low, shake ur bumbum” comes up hehe.

See there’s Christian reggae, there’s R n B.. There’s all sorts so plz why are we looking elsewhere? Especially when with secular music these days its like they are recycling all their lyrics o. Lol the songs are not making sense anymore biko! It matters what we feed our mind guys! Worship songs just keep me calm.. As in I was waiting in the rain for like 20 minutes yesterday, listening to my gospel music and I wasn’t even annoyed (very unlike me I must say lol).

I also mentioned something about not going clubbing any more. I feel like if you stop doing one thing you might have to replace it with another. I’m trying to look for other things I like doing.. I’ve always wanted to learn French so at the moment, I’m considering taking French classes.. I like singing too so maybe voice training πŸ˜‰ and then I’m also thinking of volunteering.. I’m excited about volunteering because I think I’ll be able to see life differently. You know how they say if you go to the hospital and see patients struggling to survive, you’ll appreciate life more?

I want to appreciate the little and big things we take for granted.. So I think volunteering at a charity organization is a good one it will also improve my relationship with God me thinks :D. We shouldn’t be afraid of change, a lot of us want to be closer to God and stop all these “earthly things” but we feel like its impossible. I want you to know impossible is where God starts πŸ˜‰ speak to God, let him know ur heart’s desire.. He’ll also guide and direct you.. Thanks for reading xx

As usual, my song of the day.. I’m being generous today so I’m sharing 2 songs hehe. Make sure you listen to them tho, beautiful songs!


Hello everyone,

I’m going to start by saying a big thank you to the few people who have actually encouraged me in one way or the other. Its been mostly people who know me personally, I say thank you! Also, you beautiful readers who come on my blog everyday, thank you so much! Knowing that I have readers and people like me who are hungry for the word of God is one of the things that keep me going πŸ˜‰ My purpose here on earth is to draw people closer to God and this is what I aim to achieve Amen. Please feel free to leave comments on the blog, if there’s any topic U’d like me to blog about let me know plz. Also, feel free to share some of your favourite gospel songs with me thank you!

Today, we are discussing relationships! πŸ™‚ I’m assuming that we go into relationships because we want to get married in the long run right? Now, I know some of us are quite young and are not exactly thinking much about marriage at the moment.. I find myself talking about relationships and marriage so much even though I’m far from ready for it. Personally, I want to be financially, spiritually, emotionally,.. ready. I don’t think you can be fully prepared for marriage obviously but I just need to make sure certain things are in place. I’m only 21, and being the last born I kind of feel very young despite my age πŸ˜› so marriage can wait for now πŸ™‚

BUT, that doesn’t mean I’m not getting prepared for it. There are so many preparations which we need to make whether or not we are ready for such a huge commitment. For example, going home after a lecture at school and studying doesn’t necessarily mean its because you have an exam tomorrow but because you need to increase your knowledge so that when its time for the exam, you are confident! The same applies to marriage!Β So how do we get prepared?

First and foremost don’t be needy! Β You don’t always have to be in a relationship in fact being single is an advantage sometimes… You can see things clearly, and you get to know people for who they really are or at least to an extent πŸ™‚ You’ve just been through a break up? Give yourself time to heal!

When you are not in a hurry to have a new partner, you will be willing to get to know people as friends… You see the kind of foundation you build from the very start matters a lot! Are you going to build your relationship on sand or on a rock? When we get to know people as friends first, we can then decide if their CHARACTER is something we can handle in a relationship PS: there is a big difference between personality and character. Think of personality as the outer skin of an onion which you peel off and character, the actual onion! If you don’t get to know people first and just jump to getting physical with them (which we shouldn’t be doing anyway! -this is another day’s topic) you are playing with your heart. Guard the affections of ur heart guys. The emotional attachments we make determine the course of our life (paraphrased from Proverbs 4:23)

There is sooo much to talk about when it comes to relationships so I’ll leave you guys with one more advice and leave the rest for another post πŸ˜› One of my favourite Pastors on dating issues, Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo, in one of his messages said that unbelievers may date unbelievers and actually have a good relationship. If two people have the same vision, they can agree and work together right? Now as believers, why date an unbeliever? If you are born again I don’t see why you should be dating someone who isn’t. Oh you are going to change them? Right. Have you finished working on that bad habit you’ve been trying to change since forever? Lol I have to sound like this because I care a lot about you guys whether or not I know you personally. This is an area I’m working on as well and God is my strength.. I get stronger everyday and I have to take you guys along with me πŸ˜€

It also doesn’t mean that all the regular attendees in your church will be good for you. This is what prayer is for! Communicate with God. A father will never allow his child go astray. Don’t be afraid to talk to God, he is our friend, our daddy, our everything! Β At this point in my life, as young as I am πŸ˜› I actually do not have the time for trial and error relationships. Ah let me date him and if it doesn’t work, there are many other fishes in the ocean. Oh really? *sarcastic smiley* All that time spent with the wrong person, I can spend on other things such as growing in Christ πŸ˜€ working my way to the top in my career πŸ˜€ loving my family even more πŸ˜€ etc. So please guys, lets be wise!

Something Different

Hey Guys!

Hope ur week’s been great so far? Mine has πŸ˜€ not because anything major happened but I’m just happy.. Happiness is a choice, I choose to be happy therefore I am..

So I decided to do something different today.. Those who follow me on twitter know (I hope they do lool) that I’m all about those motivational messages, and funny tweets.. So yeah! In case for whatever reason you are having a bad day (hey u shouldn’t be! :p), here are some quotes and a picture to brighten ur day πŸ˜€ also my song of the day as promised. Enjoy!

“Everything you love you bring light to, everything you hate you bring darkness, how bright will you make your world?”

“Every step you take with God, is a step towards a place of peace & serenity, a place you can call home”

I hope no one prays like this hehe. I found it very funny

“If the communication isn’t fruitful, feel free to exercise your right to remain silent” <— I believe I’m quite good at this. Lol when I realize the convo isn’t exactly leading anywhere, I just don’t bother.. Or when someone tries to annoy me I like to ignore them πŸ™‚ which brings me to my last quote:

“When your anger is internally loud… make sure your mouth is externally quiet. Speaking when angry is a recipe for disaster. Calm down first”

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This blog is about my journey towards a fulfilled life in Christ! So expect anything from Jokes, Advice, Relationships ;), Work, Me :D, etc.

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